Etiketa - Haur Hezkuntzako haurrentzako jostailu didaktikoak

How to choose the educational toys

How to choose the educational toys Play is an important activity in early childhood. In addition to sleep to eat, [...]

Haurrek jostailu elektrikoekin jolasten dute, lesiorik gabe ez dago salmentarik

Haurrek jostailu elektrikoekin jolasten dute, lesiorik gabe ez dago salmentarik Segurtasunez hazi nahi, milaka bizi omen ditu [...]

The value of multi-functional educational toys

The value of multi-functional educational toys-why we choose wooden educational toys ? Affinity of our toys is no longer a simple [...]

urt 11-14, 2016, Baso Berdea Jostailuak & Opariak Co., SL. parte hartu Hong Kongeko Jostailu Azokan

urt 11-14, 2016, Green Forest Hong Kongeko Jostailu Azokan parte hartzen du, gure hamahirugarren ikuskizuna dena. We exhibit many new innovative [...]