Founded in 2009 and headquartered in the Hong Kong, Golden Foliage Toys is the world’s leading China wooden toys manufacturer, የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች አቅራቢዎች, Wooden toys factory of children’s amusement equipment, dedicated to the development of original children’s ትምህርታዊ መጫወቻዎች and recreational facilities, ጨምሮ የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች, የእንጨት ባቡር ስብስቦች , የእንጨት ብሎኮች,dollhouse miniatures,doll house kits to build,dollhouse kits,ጥቃቅን የቤት ዕቃዎች ስብስብ,Wooden Theatre & አሻንጉሊቶች, Wooden Theater,Wooden Puppets,የእንጨት ባቡር,Wooden Play & ተማር,የእንጨት እገዳ,Wooden Block Train,Wooden Abacus & ፊደል,Wooden Activity Centre,Wooden Bead Maze,Wooden Tool,Wooden Pounding,Wooden Matching & መደርደር,Wooden Lacing,Wooden Dressing,Wooden Stacking,Wooden Drawing,Wooden Puzzle,Wooden Games,Wooden Gift,የእንጨት ግፊት & ጎትት,Wooden Music,Wooden Outdoor,Wooden Balance Bike,Wooden Skipping Rope,Wooden Garden,የእንጨት DIY,Wooden Pretend,18 ኢንች የአሜሪካ የአሻንጉሊት እቃዎች,Wooden Study as well as a variety of custom play equipment. Golden Foliage Toy’s all children’s toys and children’s educational toys design are European quality, የቻይና የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች አምራች, የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች አቅራቢዎች, የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች ፋብሪካ, in line with China’snational toy safety technical specifications”, as well as major international testing standards, such as EN71. Golden Foliage Toy’s philosophy is that everyone should have their own space for play toys, so we will customize the children’s wooden toys for your business characteristics, የቻይና የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች አምራች, የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች አቅራቢዎች, የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች ፋብሪካ,when the children have their own interactive wooden educational toys space, your customers can maximize Enjoy your service.

Xiamen Golden Foliage Toys is a high-quality children’s wooden toys manufacturer and children’s educational toys business, the main design and production of children’s educational toys and amusement equipment for all types of wooden toys manufacturer to create originality China wooden toys manufacturer, የእንጨት መጫወቻዎች አቅራቢዎች, Wooden toys factory in Xiamen City, Fujian Province.

All products are tested to be nontoxic by YH lab clinical equipments.

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