Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe


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Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe

The mini case would make an outstanding gift idea for those kids who like their jewellery kept in style! They can also put photo on it.

Oġġett Nru.: 23JEW02A
Oġġett : Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe (jewelry not included)
Materjal: /
Età: /
Daqs tal-Prodott(cm): 14*11.2*7
Ippakkjar ta 'ġewwa: 1 pc/kaxxa tal-kulur
Daqs tal-Kaxxa ta' Ġewwa (cm): 14.5*11.7*7.5
Qty / Ctn : 24
MEAS (cm): 31*25.5*47
G.W. (KG): 12
Ħin tal-Kampjun: 7-10jiem
Ħin ta' Kunsinna: 40-60 jiem fuq 30% depożitu jew L/C
MOQ 1000
Ħlas: T/T 30% depożitu qabel il-produzzjoni, u 70% bilanċ fuq kopja tal-Polza ta' Kargu, jew 100% L/C irrevokabbli fil-vista.
Qty/20′ kontenitur 17,760
Qty/40′ kontenitur 35,520