Wooden jewel case with photoframe


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Wooden jewel case with photoframe


The lovely jewelry box has two drawers and one photoframe.Ideal for storing girl’s jewelry including bracelets, necklaces, and other precious keepsakes.




Oġġett Nru.: 23JEW02B
Oġġett : Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe(jewelry not included)
Età: 3Y+
Daqs tal-Prodott(cm): 14*11.2*7
Ippakkjar ta 'ġewwa: 1 pc/kaxxa tal-kulur
Daqs tal-Kaxxa ta' Ġewwa (cm): 14.5*11.7*7.5
Qty / Ctn : 24
MEAS (cm): 31*25.5*47
G.W. (KG): 12
Ħin tal-Kampjun: 7-10jiem
Ħin ta' Kunsinna: 40-60 jiem fuq 30% depożitu jew L/C
MOQ 1000
Ħlas: T/T 30% depożitu qabel il-produzzjoni,
u 70% bilanċ fuq kopja tal-Polza ta' Kargu,
jew 100% L/C irrevokabbli fil-vista.
Qty/20′ kontenitur 17,760
Qty/40′ kontenitur 35,520


Wooden jewel case with photoframe