100 ፒሲዎች የእንጨት ብሎኮች

  • መግለጫ
  • ጥያቄ

100 የእንጨት ብሎኮች

Our toys Enhance the senses, Really feel Gentle, with Organic tones to attract your Eye and smell the Wooden. There are pieces of Wooden that you can summon for the most Incredible Structures. Produce Independence to inspire Imagination, awaken imagination.

The Organic Prevent 100 pieces are packed in a thick cotton bag, Fabulous Organic braids. It can hide the Infant’s toys, Hold them to the Most effective Buddies or Come to be a Corporation in the most Fascinating Vacation. There are A lot of possibilities that Youngsters will Pick. Bags can also be Invested in separately.

Produced from Wooden from FSC? Licensed Providers.

With beeswax and Veggie Essential oil to Total, sanding Most suitable smooth, Gentle touch.

Does not Include Damaging Chemical substances.
Product or service ecology. In the China, with factory price and meet certificate.

መጫወቻ ለልጆች የመማር መርጃዎች የእንጨት ቀለም ኪዩብ 100pcs ኢንተለጀንስ ግንባታ ብሎኮች መርዛማ ካልሆኑ ቀለሞች ጋር


ትኩስ ሽያጭ መሰረታዊ ሂሳብ እና ፊደላት በቀለማት ያሸበረቁ የእንጨት ማገጃ መጫወቻዎች በጂኦሜትሪ ቅርጾች 100pcs ብልህ ብሎኮች ተዘጋጅተዋል


አረንጓዴ ደን የእንስሳት ትዕይንት ንድፍ 100pcs የግንባታ ብሎኮች የበርች እንጨት አግድ አሻንጉሊት,ትኩስ ሽያጭ የበርች የእንጨት እገዳ ለ 1-2-3-6 ልጆች