የሕፃን ሚዛን ኃይልን ይለማመዱ – የሆንግ ልጆች የእንጨት ሚዛን ብስክሌት

የሕፃን ሚዛን ኃይልን ይለማመዱ – Hongen children የእንጨት ሚዛን ብስክሌት

Balancing force with each person’s life, አስቸጋሪ እንቅስቃሴዎችን ለማጠናቀቅ ወደ አትሌቶች መራመድን ለመማር ከህፃኑ ጀምሮ በሃይል ሚዛን ላይ የተመሰረተ ነው. Scientific proof that the balance of power not only affects the human body, in the emotional, intellectual and other aspects also have a great relationship. From the small focus on the balance of the baby’s ability to exercise, help the baby to a variety of sensory information effective acceptance, so that the baby’s attention is more focused; contribute to the establishment of vertical sense, for the development of space consciousness to lay a solid foundation; Athletic ability and mental development are also helpful. So, how effective is the exercise of the child’s balance?

Wooden balance bike is a popular children’s sports toys in Europe and America, in the child in the 3-6-year-old balance of the critical period of exercise for the children to provide a more safe and fun way of exercise. Children’s intellectual development, social development barriers, can be improved through the sense of training. ቢሆንም, instead of letting the child stay in the classroom, it is better to let the children go to nature to play their hands and feet, through theridebalance car, learn to master the balance of the body, to experience the speed of happiness.

Seat Adjustable Air Tyre Wooden Balance Bike for Kids with 12'' Wheel Kids Balance Bike

Seat Adjustable Air Tyre Wooden Balance Bike for Kids with 12Wheel Kids Balance Bike

Hongen children’s Wooden balance bike designed for children, light weight, ለመሸከም ቀላል, where to go, rely on feet force glide, baby feet can touch the ground, to prevent falls, every detail for the baby safety Design, riding a Wooden balance bike is the whole body of the baby’s exercise, the muscles must be closely with the body to smooth taxi, regular exercise can also promote the development of the brain and cerebellum, and other baby 5,6 years old and then ride a bike, even remove the auxiliary wheel , Just try a few times can be smooth ride, can do a smooth transition.

The good boy who can exercise is able to play relaxed and active, but when he is asked to calm down, he can quickly calm down, alternating the static and dynamic conversion is very flexible, can immediately point to another target, focus Force, for the future of children learn to work together to lay the foundation.

ምርጥ ዋጋ የልጆች ስፖርት ርካሽ የእንጨት ብስክሌቶች ለሽያጭ የውጪ ጨዋታ የልጆች ሚዛን ብስክሌት

ምርጥ ዋጋ የልጆች ስፖርት ርካሽ የእንጨት ብስክሌቶች ለሽያጭ የውጪ ጨዋታ የልጆች ሚዛን ብስክሌት

At present, Hongen Wooden balance bike has been starting in the day cat, more product information, please visit the day cat Hong En education flagship store consulting customer service.

For more Wooden balance bike, visit link here Wooden balance bike.


ስለ አረንጓዴ የጫካ መጫወቻዎች&ስጦታዎች Co., Ltd, ተለክ 15 የእንጨት መጫወቻዎችን ወደ ውጭ በመላክ የዓመታት ተሞክሮዎች, በላይ ማቅረብ 20 በዓለም ዙሪያ ትልቅ የምርት ስም, ሃፕን ያጠቃልላል, Walmart እና የመሳሰሉት, ሁሉም ምርቶች ማለፊያ EN71, ASTM, የእኛ ኩባንያ እና ፋብሪካ FSC ማለፍ, መምታት, አይኤስኦ, ጂ.ኤስ.ቪ. በዚህ ምርት ላይ ፍላጎት ካሎት ለበለጠ መረጃ ያግኙን።.