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Pull out the moment of chewing gum tablets, በጣቶቹ ላይ መቆንጠጥ; ጣሳዎቹን አነሳ, በጣቶች በኩል አንድ ወቅታዊ … … እነዚህ ተራ የሚመስሉ ማስቲካ, የኳስ እስክሪብቶች, chocolate and other daily necessities is actually aelectrictoys The According to media reports, theseelectric toysbegan to popular in primary and secondary schools. Detection shows that this toy there are security risks. (August 2, “Beijing News”)


According to the relevant national standard, the rated voltage of the toy power supply should not exceed 24V, and the voltage difference between any accessible parts of the toy should not exceed 24V DC or equivalent alternating current, but the professional body of theelectric toytest results show that 8 Toy discharge when the maximum voltage of more than 150V, and some instantaneous maximum voltage of 350V, coupled with the exposed body exposed, there are obvious security problems.(children’s toys made in america,የልጆች መጫወቻዎች,children’s toys amazonchildren’s toys catalogs,የልጆች መጫወቻዎች በጅምላ,children’s toys for christmaschildren’s toys and gameschildren’s toys from the pastchildren’s toys at costcochildren’s toys clip art)

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In addition, a professional also pointed out that thiselectricmischief or cause students psychological shadow. In other words, “electric toysthere are two major problems. According to the simple packaging and voltage super GB to speculate that this toy is likely to be three no products.(children’s toys made in america,የልጆች መጫወቻዎች,children’s toys amazonchildren’s toys catalogs,የልጆች መጫወቻዎች በጅምላ,children’s toys for christmaschildren’s toys and gameschildren’s toys from the pastchildren’s toys at costcochildren’s toys clip art)

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Not long ago, “toothpick crossbowwas popular in the campus, and now thereelectric toys”, visible toys popular. From the production, sales and other aspects of a comprehensive review of regulatory deficiencies, early plugging a variety of loopholes for children to play safely.

If the campus popularelectric toysmainly from the Internet, the relevant online shop and business platform should be the focus of governance. If the school around the store also has sales, should be off the shelf. This is from the supply side of governance, but also from the demand side to start, that is, to guide children to refuse such toys, which, to the majority of primary and secondary students universal toy safety knowledge, is to reduce the problem of toys in the campus popular key.

Now most children are more toys to contact, the child is more curious, like to try fresh stimulation of toys. The school is a place where children are concentrated, the children follow each other, the problem toys will quickly become popular.

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From a practical point of view, completely prohibit children from touching novelty toys is unrealistic, can only enhance the child’s resistance to the problem of toys. The specific approach is that from the school to the family should let the children know which toys are safe, which there are security risks; or that it is necessary to simply to students universaltoy safetyseries of mandatory national standards, and toys do not meet the national standard may The consequences of the consequences.children’s toys made in america, የልጆች መጫወቻዎች, children’s toys amazon, children’s toys catalogs, የልጆች መጫወቻዎች በጅምላ, children’s toys for christmas,children’s toys and games, children’s toys from the past, children’s toys at costco.

The school as a major fashion place for the problem toys should become themain battlefieldof popularizing this knowledge. ቢሆንም, most of the primary and secondary schools are currently generally attached importance to the number of foreign students, safety education is not enough attention to students. Although the primary and secondary schools are issued disaster education books, but the textbooks less involved in toy safety. Data show that 20% of children accidental injuries are caused by toys.(children’s toys made in america,የልጆች መጫወቻዎች,children’s toys amazonchildren’s toys catalogs,የልጆች መጫወቻዎች በጅምላ,children’s toys for christmaschildren’s toys and gameschildren’s toys from the pastchildren’s toys at costcochildren’s toys clip art)

To the primary and secondary students to enjoy the safety of toys is necessary, both to let the children learn to protect themselves, but also to educate children not to hurt others. Moreover, the popularity of toy safety knowledge, but also in the child’s heart to lay thesafety awarenessof the seeds, allowing children to benefit for life.

የእንጨት አሻንጉሊት አልጋ, የእንጨት አሻንጉሊት አልጋ ለ 18 ኢንች አሻንጉሊት, የእንጨት አሻንጉሊት አልጋ ዕቃዎች, የአሻንጉሊት እቃዎች ለ 18 ኢንች አሻንጉሊቶች, የአሻንጉሊት እቃዎች እቃዎች, የአሻንጉሊት እቃዎች ለ 18 አሻንጉሊቶች, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋዎች, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋዎች ለ 18 ኢንች አሻንጉሊቶች, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋዎች መሰላል እና የማከማቻ ትጥቅ, የአሻንጉሊት መያዣ, የአሻንጉሊት አንጓ እንጨት, የአሻንጉሊት መያዣ ኪት, የአሻንጉሊት ክራድል እንጨት, አሻንጉሊት ከፍተኛ ወንበር እንጨት, 18 ኢንች የአሜሪካ ልጃገረድ አሻንጉሊት የቤት ዕቃዎች, የአሻንጉሊት ቁም ሣጥን, የአሻንጉሊት ልብሶች, የአሻንጉሊት ልብሶች ለ 18 ኢንች አሻንጉሊቶች, የአሻንጉሊት ልብስ ማስቀመጫ, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋ, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋ ለ 18 ኢንች አሻንጉሊት, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋ ቅጦች, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋ ከጣሪያ ጋር, የአሻንጉሊት አልጋዎች እና አልጋዎች, 18 ኢንች የአሻንጉሊት እቃዎች, የአሜሪካ ልጃገረድ አሻንጉሊት ነጠላ አልጋ, ነጠላ የአሻንጉሊት አልጋ.