ትንንሾቹ ክፍሎች በቀላሉ እንደሚወድቁ ቀላል ልጆች ወደ አፍ እንዲገቡ ማድረግ

ትንንሽ ክፍሎቹ በቀላሉ የሚወድቁ እንደመሆናቸው መጠን ህፃናትን በመታፈን ወደ አፋቸው እንዲገቡ ማድረግ እና በልጆች ላይ ቀለም መቀባት ቀላል የህጻናትን ጤና ለመጉዳት, የአውሮፓ ህብረት ሁለት የእንጨት መጫወቻዎችን በማስታወስ, ከስር ተመልከት:



የምርት ስም: FANTáSTIKO music producer toy xylophone


FANTáSTIKO music producer toy xylophone


Recall Release Date: 2017-03-17

Recall issued countries or regions: EUSpain

made in China

መግለጫ: plastic toy xylophone, guitar / trumpet shape. Transparent plastic cardboard packaging.

Specific model or identification feature: Model 1003, reference numeral 8414

Barcode: 8424345084143, batch is 06/2012

OECD Portal Category: 86000000 – መጫወቻዎች / ጨዋታዎች (መጫወቻዎች / ጨዋታዎች)

Defects and Consequences: The white screws on the keys are easy to fall off. Children may put these widgets in their mouths and suffocate. The product does not comply with the requirements of the EU Toy Safety Directive and the relevant European Standard EN 71-1.

Wooden toy include:

toy kitchen
plush toys
plan toys
የእንጨት ብሎኮች
christmas toys
toy train
stuffed toy
activity toys
የእንጨት ግንባታ ብሎኮች
building toys
toys for babies
kids toy shop
online toy stores

All Green Forest Toys and Gifts Co., ሊሚትድ produce wooden toys pass EN71 and ASTM certificate. All product were tested by BV, SGS and so on. Contact us if you want to buy wooden toys from China.