Ko hono fokotuʻutuʻu ʻe he monumanu papa ʻa e ngaahi meʻavaʻinga ʻa e pepee ko e palanisi ʻo e koloa meʻavaʻinga

Ko hono fokotuʻutuʻu ʻe he monumanu papa ʻa e ngaahi meʻavaʻinga ʻa e pepee ko e palanisi ʻo e koloa meʻavaʻinga

Ngaahi Faʻahingá:

  • Fakamatala
  • Fehuʻi

Wooden Animal Stacking Blocks Baby Toddlers Toys Wooden Balance Toy

A wonderful wooden rocking Ark with wooden animals. Encourages children to sort and match by finding the different animals. Young children will love seeing how high they can stack the animals balancing on the Ark before they tumble down. Can they get all the animals on the Ark?


Fika ʻo e fika: 13BAL05
Fika : Balancing GameNarh’s Ark
Naunau: .MDF,paini Papa
Taʻu Motuʻá: 3+
Lahi ʻo e koloa(cm): 18*4.5*18
Faʻo ʻi loto: 1 set/shrink wrap+color box
Lahi ʻo e puha ʻi loto (cm): 18.5*5*18.5
Puha/Ctn : 18
NGAAHI MEʻA KE FAÍ (cm): 57.5*20.5*32
G. W. (KG): 12
Sīpinga ʻo ha Taimi: 7-10ngaahi ʻahó
Taimi Ke ʻOmi Aí: 50ngaahi ʻahó
MOQ 1000
Totongi: T/T 30% tipōsiti kimuʻa pea toki ngaohi, mo e 70% palanisi ʻi he tatau ʻo e tohi moʻua ʻo Lading, pe 100% taʻe toe fehuʻia L/f ʻi he ʻao.
Puha/20′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 13,122
Puha/40′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 26,244

Wooden Animal Stacking Blocks Baby Toddlers Toys Wooden Balance Toy