New Design Wooden Abacus with Drawing Board for Kids Educational Toys

Ngaahi Faʻahingá: ,

  • Fakamatala
  • Fehuʻi

New Design Wooden Abacus with Drawing Board for Kids Educational Toys

Take pre-school learning fun with an abacus. Teach your child numbers /counting and colours while you play with your child. This abacus also has a white board and a marker for your child to write mathematical operations, creating excitement in your child. So henceforth,maths is no longer a burden to teach and learn!




Fika ʻo e fika: 12BOA07
Fika : Abacus with Drawing Board (chalks & whiteboard marker not included)
Naunau: .MDF, pine wood
Taʻu Motuʻá: 3+
Lahi ʻo e koloa(cm): 26*13*26
Faʻo ʻi loto: 1 seti/puha lanu
Lahi ʻo e puha ʻi loto (cm): 29*13.5*26.5
Puha/Ctn : 8
NGAAHI MEʻA KE FAÍ (cm): 58*31*61
G. W. (KG): 9.5
Sīpinga ʻo ha Taimi: 7-10ngaahi ʻahó
Taimi Ke ʻOmi Aí: 40-60 ngaahi ʻaho ki he 30% tipōsiti pe L/F
MOQ 1000
Totongi: T/T 30% tipōsiti kimuʻa pea toki ngaohi, mo e 70% palanisi ʻi he tatau ʻo e tohi moʻua ʻo Lading, pe 100% taʻe toe fehuʻia L/f ʻi he ʻao.
Puha/20′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 2,008
Puha/40′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 4,016