Ngaahi meʻavaʻinga fakamusika maʻa e fanau ʻUmata Xylophone

Ngaahi Faʻahingá:

  • Fakamatala
  • Fehuʻi

Ngaahi meʻavaʻinga fakamusika maʻa e fanau ʻUmata Xylophone

children will learn EIGHT different keys.

Children can also practice their creativity by composing their own songs.


This brightly coloured wooden Xylophone is a fun way for creative toddlers to play music by ear. Includes two wooden mallets that are ideally sized for little hands. The Xylophone features multi-coloured bars to help little ones remember each note and which bar to strike when re-creating their tune. Helps to develop dexterity and co-ordination.


Fika ʻo e fika: 17WXY01B
Fika : Rainbow Colored 8-Tone Xylophone
Naunau: pine wood
Taʻu Motuʻá: 2+
Lahi ʻo e koloa(cm): 22*16.5*3.5
Faʻo ʻi loto: 1 PC/puha hinehina
Lahi ʻo e puha ʻi loto (cm): 24.5*17*4
Puha/Ctn : 48
NGAAHI MEʻA KE FAÍ (cm): 53*51*34
G. W. (KG): 17
Sīpinga ʻo ha Taimi: 7-10ngaahi ʻahó
Taimi Ke ʻOmi Aí: 50ngaahi ʻahó
MOQ 1000
Totongi: T/T 30% tipōsiti kimuʻa pea toki ngaohi, mo e 70% palanisi ʻi he tatau ʻo e tohi moʻua ʻo Lading,

pe 100% taʻe toe fehuʻia L/f ʻi he ʻao.

Puha/20′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 14,352
PUHA/40′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 28,704