Wooden Pretend Play Center Market Play Toy Larget Shopping Stand for Kids

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Wooden Pretend Play Center Market Play Toy Larget Shopping Stand for Kids

Опис производа

* Материјал: МДФ, New Zealand pine wood

* Canopy is with embroidery pattern

* Food and crates are sold invidually.

* Adult assembly required.


Whatever the season or weather, this wooden play center can be a store or even a lemonade stand.

Children will pretend that they are the owners for grocery stores, and they are trying to ask customers to buy their products.
Therefore, children can practice their conversations and they will be used to talk with strange people; in fact, they are good at selling things.



Ставка бр.: 15STR04
Ставка : My Store (food and crate not included)
Материјал: МДФ
Старост: 3+
Величина производа(центиметар): 65*35*120
Унутрашње паковање: 1 set/shrink wrap+color box
Величина унутрашње кутије (центиметар): 81*38.5*10
Количина /Цтн : 1
МЕАС (центиметар): 83*40*12
Г.В. (КГ): 11
Сампле Тиме: 7-10дана
Време испоруке: 50дана
МОК 1000
Плаћање: Т/Т 30% депозит пре производње, и 70% balance

upon copy of Bill of Lading, или 100% неопозив акредитив по виђењу.

Количина/20′ контејнер 690
Количина/40′ контејнер 1,380