Hot Selling 24PCS Educational Kids Toy Wooden Train Track Set

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Hot Selling 24PCS Educational Kids Toy Wooden Train Track Set

Материјал: beech wood


8pcs tracks,

4pcs train,

4pcs trees,

4pcs people

2pcs signs

2pcs poles

24pcs totally.

It is great for any curious child. Children can build train sets from scratch and then role play with the various characters. Children have to use problem solving skills to build their set and will act out real world situations with the pieces. It’s fun and enjoyable for kids and parents alike.wood train set for sale, wood train set toys r us, wood train set designs.

It is compatible with Thomas the tank engine sets as well as Brio train sets. Feel free to mix and match between the two sets to arrive at grand scale train cities.wood train set for sale, wood train set toys r us, wood train set designs.

It has passed CPSIA compliance testing and EN71 testing. We ensure that all of our train sets meet government standards for lead and phthalates to ensure a safe playing environment.


Children will spend hours creating their own rail network.


Ставка бр.: 11RAI02
Ставка : Hot Selling 24PCS Educational Kids Toy Wooden Train Track Set
Материјал: beech wood for tracks
Старост: 3+
Величина производа(центиметар): 44*44
Унутрашње паковање: 1 сет/боја кутија
Величина унутрашње кутије (центиметар): 27*20*6
Количина /Цтн : 24
МЕАС (центиметар): 56*38*42
Г.В. (КГ): 12.5
Сампле Тиме: 7-10дана
Време испоруке: 40-60 дана након 30% депозит или акредитив
МОК 2000
Плаћање: Т/Т 30% депозит пре производње, и 70% стање на копији теретнице, или 100% неопозив акредитив по виђењу.
Количина/20′ контејнер 7,392
Количина/40′ контејнер 14,784
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