Hot Selling Wooden Learn to Tie Laces Toy For kids learning toys

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Hot Selling Wooden Learn to Tie Laces Toy For kids learning toys

Опис производа

These jumbo wooden lacing beads in multiple shapes and bright colours and patterns are a bold way to learn and practice lacing, counting, sorting, and more.

can also learn colours and shapes.

Count on beading to encourage an artistic flair while helping kids develop important physical and cognitive skills. Lacing helps promote manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. This wide variety of beads promote colour and shape recognition, and can be used to help teach sequencing, patterning, sorting, counting, and more. Lacing activities improve concentration and promote problem solving and creative expression, too!

Hot Selling Wooden Learn to Tie Laces Toy For kids learning toys

Hot Selling Wooden Learn to Tie Laces Toy For kids learning toys

Ставка бр.: 12SOR01
Ставка : First Shape Sorter
Материјал: guger tree
Старост: 1Y+
Величина производа(центиметар): 11.5*11.5*3
Унутрашње паковање: 1 pc/shrink wrap,12/inner carton
Величина унутрашње кутије (центиметар):
Количина /Цтн : 192
МЕАС (центиметар): 49*46.5*49.5
Г.В. (КГ): 23.5
Сампле Тиме: 7-10дана
Време испоруке: 40-60 дана након 30% депозит или акредитив
МОК 2000
Плаћање: Т/Т 30% депозит пре производње,
и 70% стање на копији теретнице,
или 100% неопозив акредитив по виђењу.
Количина/20′ контејнер 46,848
Количина/40′ контејнер 93,696