Hot Sell Wooden Children Pretend Food Cutting Set Kitchen Play Accessory for Wooden Kids Toy

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Hot Sell Wooden Children Pretend Food Cutting Set Kitchen Play Accessory for Wooden Kids Toy

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Wooden Toy (Cutting Set Toy)

Cut the cake, bread and fruits, having a delicious dinner and party. Food makes a fun crunch sound when being sliced. With so many pieces, it also a great way to introduce the concepts of part,whole and fractions!


1.Kids can enjoy the role-play game with the toy.

2.Help kids to learn the different shape.

3. Help kids to learn the different colors.

4.Help kids to inprove the capacity of operating


Ставка бр.: 15CUT05
Ставка : Hot Sell Wooden Children Pretend Food Cutting Set Kitchen Play Accessory for Wooden Kids Toy
Материјал: Бреза дрво
Старост: 3+
Величина производа(центиметар): 20*17.5*7(pack size)
Унутрашње паковање: 1 set/shrink wrap+color box
Величина унутрашње кутије (центиметар): 20*17.5*7
Количина /Цтн : 16
МЕАС (центиметар): 42*37*30
Г.В. (КГ): 12
Сампле Тиме: 7-10дана
Време испоруке: 40-60 дана након 30% депозит или акредитив
МОК 1000
Плаћање: Т/Т 30% депозит пре производње, и 70% стање на копији теретнице, или 100% неопозив акредитив по виђењу.
Количина/20′ контејнер 9,440
Количина/40′ контејнер 18,880