Party Hand Noise Maker Music Toy Wooden Clapper


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Party Hand Noise Maker Music Toy Wooden Clapper

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

Makes lovely clapping noise for any child to join in with the music, encouraging tiny hands to grasp, hold and shake. This activity fosters listening alertness and gives the child a opportunity to practice first grasping and holding movements.


Oġġett Nru.: 17CLA01
Oġġett : Happy Time Butterfly Clapper
Materjal: MDF
Età: 1+
Daqs tal-Prodott(cm): L=16
Ippakkjar ta 'ġewwa: 1 pc/polybag,20/kartuna ta 'ġewwa
Daqs tal-Kaxxa ta' Ġewwa (cm): inner ctn:31*18.5*17
Qty / Ctn : 120
MEAS (cm): 57.5*36*33
G.W. (KG): 14
Ħin tal-Kampjun: 7-10jiem
Ħin ta' Kunsinna: madwar 50 ġurnata fuq 30% depożitu jew L/C
MOQ 3000
Ħlas: T/T 30% depożitu qabel il-produzzjoni, u 70% bilanċ fuq kopja tal-Polza ta' Kargu, jew 100% L/C irrevokabbli fil-vista.
Qty/20′ kontenitur 48,360
Qty/40′ kontenitur 96,720