Block and Roll Cart Toddler Wooden Push and Pull Toy

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Block and Roll Cart Toddler Wooden Push and Pull Toy

  • Makes your child’s first steps unforgettable and engaging.
  • Great for early stages of walking while also providing a fun puzzle
  • Improve motor skills, balance, and coordination
  • Rakkomandat għall-etajiet 12 xhur u aktar
  • Finituri mhux tossiċi u materjali sikuri għat-tfal

    OEM Wood Baby Walker Birch Wood MDF Kids Play Prechool Learning And Sports Toys Wooden Push Toys

    Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott


    Classic walker with 28 pieces alphabet blocks.

    Great for building walking confidence.

    Fun for toddlers to push around.

    The height is right, and the centre of gravity is well balanced, meaning tipping over of the truck is more difficult.

    Oġġett Nru.: 19WAK05
    Oġġett : Wooden Toddle Truck with Blocks
    Materjal: injam tal-betula,MDF
    Età: 1+
    Daqs tal-Prodott(cm): 29.5*26.5*38.5
    Ippakkjar ta 'ġewwa: 1 sett/kaxxa tal-kulur
    Daqs tal-Kaxxa ta' Ġewwa (cm): 31*21*17
    Qty / Ctn : 4
    MEAS (cm): 44*33*36
    G.W. (KG): 12.5
    Ħin tal-Kampjun: 7-10jiem
    Ħin ta' Kunsinna: 50jiem
    MOQ 1000
    Ħlas: T/T 30% depożitu qabel il-produzzjoni, u 70% bilanċ fuq kopja tal-Polza ta' Kargu, jew 100% L/C irrevokabbli fil-vista.
    Qty/20′ kontenitur 2,104
    Qty/40′ kontenitur 4,208
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