Едукативни играчки: децата растат на патот не може да се пропушти “наставник”

Едукативни играчки: децата растат на патот не може да се пропушти “наставник”

Според студијата на Кралската академија на науките, луѓето често играат едукативни играчки, од оние кои не играат просечен коефициент на интелигенција на 11 points higher than the brain open thinking ability higher; American medical experts also found that 50 years ago began to play adult puzzle Toys, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is only 32% of the general population, and childhood play puzzle toys, the incidence of less than 1% of the incidence of ordinary people.

In addition to the development of intelligence, educational toys and more features. Such as the development of stimulating function, the design of bright colors, attractive lines of educational toys can stimulate the child’s vision; and a grip on the ring “прстен”, the button to issue a variety of animal soundssmall pianoand so can stimulate the child The color of the ball can stimulate the child’s touch. Therefore, different educational toys are an effective tool to help children understand the world, to help them with the body of the various sensory reactions, to contact and recognize the novelty of all things. Next, Xiao Bian for everyone to recommend five from the United States Amazon on the selection of children’s educational toys.

1. Wooden Puzzle Toy, little puzzle to develop child intelligence. Exercise their sense of shape, triangular round, etc., so that they accept the geometric enlightenment.

Најпродавана ASTM сертифицирана играчка од бреза од дрво 60 парчиња шаблони блокови Интелигентна играчка за деца

Најпродавана ASTM сертифицирана играчка од бреза од дрво 60 парчиња шаблони блокови Интелигентна играчка за деца

2. Wooen Building blocks, safe and environmentally friendly building blocks let the children free to fight, so that they imagine the future look, is the building or ship, is the plane or artillery, their young heart buried foreshadowing.

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3. DIY wooden toys, paint pens and pigments can be painted on toys, give them a different color, imagine the plane can be red or green.

Природно дрво модел на авион занает играчки за дрвени Diy комплети
4.18 инчен мебел за кукли, girls favorite, they put the doll into the cradle, into the bed. Take care of dolls to experience real life.

5. Finger puppets and theater, Snow White and Dwarf, Gingerbread Man, different stories performed between fingers. Let you experience different childhood.

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