우리를. 어린이 제품에 대한 프탈레이트 금지 확대

hthalates Ban on Children’s Products

우리를. 어린이 제품에 대한 프탈레이트 금지 확대

US Consumer Product Safety Commission adopted a final rule to strengthen the restrictions on the use of phthalates in children’s toys and nursing products. 어린이 장난감은 나이가 많은 어린이를 대상으로 하는 제품입니다. 12 or younger and childcare products are consumer products that sleep, feed, or suck children 3 years of age or younger. The rules will take effect April 25, 2018. Article 108 of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act states that children’s toys or childcare articles are permanently barred from being marketed if they contain three phthalates, namely DEHP, DBP and BBP in concentrations exceeding 0.1%. The above final rule will put the DIBP, DPENP, DHEXP and DCHP into the ban. In addition, an interim injunction previously implemented by the CPSC provided that DINF, DIDP and DNOP concentrations exceeding 0.1% for toys or childcare articles that can be placed in the mouth of a child are prohibited from being marketed. 지금, the committee decided to change the temporary injunction of the DINP to a permanent ban and extend its application to a wide range of children’s toys and childcare articles. 하지만, the Commission has lifted the temporary injunction of DNOP and DIDP because the two substances do not adversely affect male reproductive system development, while the risk of other uses is low.

무슬림에 대한 프탈레이트 금지, 여호와의 증인에 대한 프탈레이트 금지, 프탈레이트 입국 금지, 크탈레이트, 폭행 금지,

무슬림에 대한 프탈레이트 금지, phthalates ban on jehovah’s witnesses, 프탈레이트 입국 금지, 크탈레이트, 폭행 금지,

어린이용 제품에 대한 크탈레이트 금지

hthalates Ban on Children’s Products

어린이용 제품에 대한 크탈레이트 금지

hthalates Ban on Children’s Products

어린이용 제품에 대한 크탈레이트 금지

hthalates Ban on Children’s Products

어린이용 제품에 대한 크탈레이트 금지

hthalates Ban on Children’s Products