Драўляная цацачная кухня

Feed their imaginations with a fully equipped toy kitchen. This super stylish piece beautifully emanates the real thing – just look at the on-trend brass details and the metro tiles! The design shows a move on from the classic vintage look most associated with playtime kitchens; it’s a style conscious update for the modern day – in cool grey and trendy mint green. Wooden toys are known to develop skills, imaginations and encourage role play whilst incorporating real life skills. They also allow for children to play in groups or on their own, creating a calming, peaceful atmosphere compared with noisy, battery-operated toys.Forget gadgets and gizmos, this Christmas Santa’s list is far more likely to be filled with traditional wooden toys as parents encourage children to play the old fashioned way.

Лепшая цана Імітацыя драўляных цацак Міні-кухонны набор для дзяцей

Лепшая цана Імітацыя драўляных цацак Міні-кухонны набор для дзяцей

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Нетоксичная маляўнічая кулінарная гульня для малых з драўлянай кухоннай цацкай

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Новы дызайн Навучальная драўляная кухонная цацка для рэзкі Сімулятар Гульня ў цацкі для дзяцей Ролевая гульня драўляная цацка