Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe

Ngaahi Faʻahingá:

  • Fakamatala
  • Fehuʻi

Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe

The mini case would make an outstanding gift idea for those kids who like their jewellery kept in style! They can also put photo on it.

Fika ʻo e fika: 23JEW02A
Fika : Pretty Jewelry Case with Photoframe (jewelry not included)
Naunau: /
Taʻu Motuʻá: /
Lahi ʻo e koloa(cm): 14*11.2*7
Faʻo ʻi loto: 1 PC/puha lanu
Lahi ʻo e puha ʻi loto (cm): 14.5*11.7*7.5
Puha/Ctn : 24
NGAAHI MEʻA KE FAÍ (cm): 31*25.5*47
G. W. (KG): 12
Sīpinga ʻo ha Taimi: 7-10ngaahi ʻahó
Taimi Ke ʻOmi Aí: 40-60 ngaahi ʻaho ki he 30% tipōsiti pe L/F
MOQ 1000
Totongi: T/T 30% tipōsiti kimuʻa pea toki ngaohi, mo e 70% palanisi ʻi he tatau ʻo e tohi moʻua ʻo Lading, pe 100% taʻe toe fehuʻia L/f ʻi he ʻao.
Puha/20′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 17,760
Puha/40′ faʻoʻanga meʻa 35,520