A doll live in my memory-18 inch doll furniture
When I was a little girl, especially like playing dolls. My doll will live in the world I imagine, and we will play a lot of games together, such as going to school, holding a birthday party or seeing a doctor.
I like to put dolls on different clothes and tie different hairstyles. I like to design and make clothes for dolls, until I grow up, I also like to do so.
This is a good memory, will always stay in my memory. Now, on the market in addition to a variety of different sizes of dolls, there are a lot of doll clothes, 18 мебели лӯхтак дюйм,accessories, dolls furniture can also be bought.
18 Мебели лӯхтакҳои дюймӣ, american girl doll single bed, single doll bed

18 Мебели лӯхтакҳои дюймӣ, american girl doll single bed, single doll bed

Little girls can give dolls with different scenes, play more colorful. They will be happy to play the 18 мебели лӯхтак дюйм-doll bed, doll high chair, гаҳвораи лӯхтак, bunk bed etc.

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