Ngamutahirkeun paraphrase kanaékan sarat pikeun Toys magnét

Ngamutahirkeun paraphrase kanaékan sarat pikeun Toys magnét:

Indéks fluks magnét tina sagala kaulinan magnét atanapi bagian magnét kedah kirang ti 0.5 T2mm2, teu kaasup bagian magnét handap: Ngarojong komponén magnét tina kaulinan magnét anu penting pikeun operasi mesin, relays, speakers or other electronic components and whose magnetic properties are not part of the toy amusement or learning modes; Magnetic and electric education components of experimental tools. The user of such a part must be 8 years of age or older with a corresponding warning label. Test method to increase flux index Increase the warning requirements for magnetic toys used in educational experiments.