8 Scale Nature Wooden Musical Instrument for Kids Toy High Quality Xylophone


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8 Scale Nature Wooden Musical Instrument for Kids Toy High Quality Xylophone

Product Description

We Note Wood Xylophone provides hours of enjoyment. Compact design without the need of a bulky resonator box like most of the wooden xylophones will provide endless hours of fun and entertainment. Children will be able to learn 8 different keys using the individually wooded bars to play real musical notes and songs. They can create their own songs or play the classic songs such as Old Mc Donald’s, Mary Had A Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and more! Recommended for ages 2 and up.

Ставка бр.: 17WXY01A
Ставка : 8-Tone Xylophone
Материјал: борово дрво
Старост: 2+
Величина производа(центиметар): 22*17.5*3.5
Унутрашње паковање: 1 pc/white box
Величина унутрашње кутије (центиметар): 24.5*18*4
Количина /Цтн : 48
МЕАС (центиметар): 56*51*34
Г.В. (КГ): 15
Сампле Тиме: 7-10дана
Време испоруке: 50дана
МОК 1000
Плаћање: Т/Т 30% депозит пре производње, и 70% стање на копији теретнице, или 100% неопозив акредитив по виђењу.
Количина/20′ контејнер 13,584
QTY/40′ контејнер 27,168