Dress Up the Pretty Girl educational toy for kids

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educational toy for kids Dress Up the Pretty Girl

Girl Dress Up Wooden Doll brings characters to life. Mix and match 5 clothing pieces and accessories to dress your favorite characters with very well made and detailed clothing.it will provide hours of imaginative play. The little girls arms and legs are made of stiffened, bendy rope with round hands at the ends so they are easy to get through sleeves and trousers. A wonderful toy to help develop fine motor skills , this little boy and girl are just waiting to go on their first adventure.

Oġġett Nru.: 12DRE04B
Oġġett : Dress Up the Pretty Girl
Materjal: plywood, drapp
Età: 3+
Daqs tal-Prodott(cm): 13.3*20*5
Ippakkjar ta 'ġewwa: 1 sett/kaxxa tal-kulur
Daqs tal-Kaxxa ta' Ġewwa (cm): 26*19.5*5.6
Qty / Ctn : 12
MEAS (cm): 41*28*35
G.W. (KG): 5.5
Ħin tal-Kampjun: 7-10jiem
Ħin ta' Kunsinna: 40-60 jiem fuq 30% depożitu jew L/C
MOQ 1000
Ħlas: T/T 30% depożitu qabel il-produzzjoni, u 70% bilanċ fuq kopja tal-Polza ta' Kargu, jew 100% L/C irrevokabbli fil-vista.
Qty/20′ kontenitur 8,208
Qty/40′ kontenitur 16,416

Other wooden toys, Teatru & Pupazzi, Dar tal-pupi, Sett ta' Għamara Minjatura, Railway, Imbotta & Iġbed toys, Pretend toys, 18 pulzier American Doll Għamara.

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