Kif tagħżel fornitur tajjeb ta 'ġugarelli tal-injam miċ-Ċina

Iċ-Ċina hija l-akbar fabbrika fid-dinja. Għal ġugarelli tal-injam, huwa importanti ħafna li tagħżel fornitur tajjeb tal-ġugarelli tal-injam. Ħa nagħtikom xi pariri.
1. Ħares lejn iż-żmien tal-fundaturi tal-fornituri tal-ġugarelli tal-injam. L-itwal huma stabbiliti, the more experience they have. Wooden toys are a complex industry. In particular, safety is the top priority. Experienced suppliers control Toy safety and quality standards.
2. Look at the scale of wooden toy suppliers, they do not need to be a big supplier, but they must be above middle scale, so suppliers have strict quality control system. Production of products also have more quality assurance.
3. Look at their show participation, if they often go to the toy fair, which means they often develop new products, design capabilities, which is important for the toy industry.
4. See if they have a quality management department. If anything, they put product quality first.
5. Green Forest Toy Gifts Co., Ltd. għandha 16 years of experience in the production of wooden toys, their workers have about 500 people. 3 design department, quality management department more than 20 people. So is your best choice, the main products include : Teatru & Pupazzi, DIY, 18 pulzier American Doll Għamara.

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New Design Wooden Kids Pretending Toy Doll Bunk Beds with Ladder for 18 Pulzier Pupi Għamara (bedding not included)

New Design Wooden Kids Pretending Toy Doll Bunk Beds with Ladder for 18 Pulzier Pupi Għamara (bedding not included)