Гурван супермаркет 4 Хүүхдийн тоглоомын багц нь Carrefour Wal-Mart Hualian-ийн жагсаалтад багтахгүй байна

Гурван супермаркет 4 batches of children’s toys are not up to Carrefour Wal-Mart Hualian on the list

Reporters learned from the Harbin Consumer Association, хэд хоногийн өмнө, хүүхдийн цахилгаан тоглоомын загварт зориулсан, үнэ харилцан адилгүй байна, жигд бус нөхцөл байдлын чанар, гүйцэтгэл, City Consumers Association of Harbin circulation sales of 20 batches of children’s electric toys were compared test. Test results show that Carrefour supermarket, Beijing Hualian integrated supermarket, Wal-Mart stores and other supermarket sales of four batches of children’s toys do not meet the standard requirements.

According to reports, the comparison test samples organized by the City Consumers Association staff to the identity of ordinary consumers in the following places to buy children’s toys, including electric remote control toys 15 batches, inertia toy car 2 batches, deformation robot 3 batch.

The shopping list is as follows:

1. Harbin Carrefour Supermarket Co., Ltd. Da Zhijian shop

2. Beijing Hualian Comprehensive Supermarket Co., Ltd. Harbin fifth branch

3. Parkson Business Development Co., Ltd. Harbin Branch

4. Shenzhen Wal-Mart Department Store Retail Co., Ltd. Harbin Zhongshan Road Branch

5. Harbin Central Red Group Co., Ltd.

6. Daxing Harbin New 100 Shopping Plaza Co., Ltd.

The comparison test is based on the mandatory standard GB 6675.1-2014 “Toy Safety Part 1: Basic Specifications”, GB 6675.2-2014 “Toy Safety Part 2: Mechanical and Physical Properties”, GB 19865-2005 “Safety of Electric ToysAnd other standards, the children’s toys, the material can reach the sharp tip, the gap between the moving parts, toys, warning signs, цахилгаан тоглоом, rechargeable batteries and other items to be tested.

Test results show 20 batches of children’s toys:

Harbin Carrefour Supermarket Co., Ltd. Tai Zhiyi shop sales, the nominal Shantou City Ruicheng Toys Industrial Co., Ltd. production of electric toy vehicles, nominal Shantou City Chenghai District Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd. production of ambulances;

Beijing Hualian Comprehensive Supermarket Co., Ltd. Harbin fifth branch sales, nominal Shantou City Chenghai District Baoluo Star toy factory production of inertia car;

Shenzhen Wal-Mart Department Store Retail Co., Ltd. Harbin Zhongshan Road Branch sales, nominal Shantou City Chenghai District Group Ye plastic toy factory production of remote control cars and other 4 batches do not meet the standard requirements.

Through this comparison test, City Consumers Association to remind consumers, in the purchase of children’s electric toys, to seriously check the commodity inspection certificate, the instructions are complete, whether there is “3Ccertification mark. According to the provisions of the state, stroller, catapult toys, electric toys and other six categories of 16 kinds of children’s toys, all the implementation of mandatory products 3C certification, whether the 3C certification mark, is the most intuitive way to choose toys. Үүний зэрэгцээ, the toy packaging or instructions should indicate the manufacturer’s information, instructions and precautions.

City Consumers Association also reminded the majority of parents in the purchase of toys for children, should avoid the purchase of rough process, heavy metal over the appearance of angular sharp children’s toys, and the appearance of children’s age is not suitable for toys, some toys angular too sharp, Parts, easy to cause harm to children.

(Source: Harbin Daily reporter: Sun Jiali)

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