54Pcs Toddlers Preschool Age Classic Wooden Building Block Set

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модон барилгын блок, wooden building blocks set, wooden building blocks for babies-54Pcs Toddlers Preschool Age Classic Wooden Building Block Set

This set contains 54pcs wooden building blocks.

Cut into a fun variety of shapes and sizes, and made of guger tree, kids will love stacking these blocks up—and knocking them down!

All the while, модон барилгын блок, wooden building blocks set, wooden building blocks for babies, kids will develop fine motor skills, spatial relationships, and in the case of a toppling wooden tower, maybe even a little about gravity. They’ll learn all about shapes, colors and sorting. And sanded smooth and coated with a layer of paint, these blocks are safe and won’t chip or splinter, even through prolonged use wooden building blocks, wooden building blocks set, wooden building blocks for babies.

Барааны дугаар.: 12BLK03
Зүйл : 54pcs Construction Block Set
Материал: гугер мод
Бүтээгдэхүүний хэмжээ(см): Ø18*H17(paper cylinder)
Дотор хайрцагны хэмжээ (см): Ø18*H17(paper cylinder)
Тоо хэмжээ /Ctn : 6
Жишээ цаг: 7-10өдрүүд
Хүргэгдэх хугацаа: 50өдрүүд
MOQ 1000
Төлбөр: Т/Т 30% үйлдвэрлэхээс өмнө хадгаламж, болон 70% Коносаментийн хуулбар дээр үлдэгдэл, эсвэл 100% харахаар буцалтгүй L/C.
54Pcs Toddlers Preschool Age Classic Wooden Building Block Set wooden building blocks, wooden building blocks set,	 wooden building blocks for babies

54Pcs Toddlers Preschool Age Classic Wooden Building Block Setwooden building blocks, wooden building blocks set, wooden building blocks for babies

Wooden Building blocks contribute to the development of intelligence, training children hand-eye coordination ability, building blocks in the arrangement, bonding, ring, symmetry and so on the child’s intelligence is good. When building blocks, the child must be involved in the proportion, symmetry and other issues, which is conducive to the early development of the concept of the number of children.
Building blocks are conducive to children to play with imagination, the integrated use of a variety of different types of building blocks together to build objects. Is conducive to their imagination and creativity.

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