재료의 목재 빌딩 블록은 장난감의 품질과 등급을 결정합니다., 안전에 좋은 원료, 장기간, 안정, 상대적으로 큰 장점을 갖고 있다. 목재 원료의 나무 블록이 여러 개 있습니다., 친구에게 참고 자료를 좀 주세요.


Fluffy pine wood


Some low-end toys on the market. The use of relatively low prices of raw materials produced blocks of toys, and the price of pine is not high. But if the use of pine as a wooden building block of raw materials, that disadvantage is very obvious. Pine color yellow, texture fluffy, the temperature is more sensitive to the outside, easy to expand deformation. Before processing, will go through some manual processing, such as drying, degreasing, bleaching and other processes, to make it more stable. But in the actual wood toy manufacturing process is still prone to scarring and so on. Pine market price of about 700-1300 yuan / m3

43PCS "Arabic Castle" 목조 빌딩 블록 세트

43PC “아랍 성” 목조 빌딩 블록 세트

Stiff guger wood


Guger wood material is hard, light gray, texture straight, wood durable, corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, suitable for flooring, high-grade furniture, interior decoration, and some low-end wooden building blocks toys will use this wood. Dutch wood (guger wood) market price is several hundred dollars higher than pine.


Silky birch wood


Birch wood is light brown to reddish brown, delicate and soft structure, flexible, easy to crack when the crack, not wear, processing performance, smooth surface, paint and gluing performance is good, generally used in high-end toys. The price is 2 times higher than the pine wood.

녹색 숲 동물 장면 디자인 100개 빌딩 블록 자작나무 나무 블록 장난감,뜨거운 판매 크리에이 티브 나무 블록에 대 한 1-2-3-6 어린이

녹색 숲 동물 장면 디자인 100개 빌딩 블록 자작나무 나무 블록 장난감,뜨거운 판매 크리에이 티브 나무 블록에 대 한 1-2-3-6 어린이

Smooth beech wood


Generally do some high-end market manufacturers will use beech as wooden building blocks of raw materials. Compared to the above three kinds of materials, beech wood weight is more obvious, greater hardness. Its texture is clear, uniform texture, color and more smooth. It is also often used to produce high-end furniture products.


High-end Rubber wood


Need to remind consumers that rubber wood and oak are two different kinds of wood. Rubber tree when the young can produce rubber, so it is not the old flow of precious liquid. It was used to make furniture and other wood products, decadent body is difficult to block the heavy responsibility. Oak texture is obvious, there are mountain-like texture, feel better, smooth surface, the paint adhesion and coating performance is also better, the price can reach tens of thousands of high. Really high-end toys will choose this kind of material to make wooden building blocks toys.

174pcs 경재 디럭스 단단한 나무 빌딩 블록 장난감 세트

174pcs 경재 디럭스 단단한 나무 빌딩 블록 장난감 세트
