La zone de démonstration de la qualité et de la sécurité des jouets en bois d'exportation au niveau de l'État de Zhejiang Yunhe a passé l'examen de renouvellement

La zone de démonstration de la qualité et de la sécurité des jouets en bois d'exportation au niveau de l'État de Zhejiang Yunhe a passé l'examen de renouvellement

Récemment, l'Administration Générale du Contrôle de la Qualité, L'Inspection et la Quarantaine ont annoncé le “cinquième lot de” zone nationale de démonstration de la qualité et de la sécurité des produits industriels d'exportation “liste, Zhejiang Yunhe state-level export of wooden toy quality and safety demonstration area among the demonstration area renewal review Through assessment. In the case of

It is reported that the Yunhe export wood play demonstration area in 2013 for the first time through the national demonstration zone acceptance assessment, becoming the first batch of nine “zone nationale de démonstration de la qualité et de la sécurité des produits industriels d'exportation” one. Over the past few years, Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to take the initiative to implement the national quality development strategy, and actively with the Yunhe the county government, Yunhe toy associations to promote cooperation to promote the development of wood play industry to promote the quality of Yunhe wood to upgrade; Policy guidance, to help enterprises standardize management, improve the quality and safety control awareness and ability; inspection and quarantine departments by increasing the laboratory investment, integration of resources to enhance the detection capacity for the Yunhe wood to play a good quality and safety. At the same time, increase the technical trade propaganda, the first time to the enterprise to publish foreign trade information, inform the enterprise informed of typical cases, to help enterprises to avoid risks.

Over the years, through the prosecution cooperation effectively carried out, Yunhe demonstration area construction in policy design on the quality and safety for the alarm, the healthy development of the industry as a train of thought. At present, the cloud and wood play is moving toward the goal of billions of industries steadily, the use of machine replacement and other advanced production methods to increase investment, further improve production capacity, quality and safety control capabilities have been effectively promoted, Yunhe wood play well known at home and abroad.

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