Vente de jouets et de livres inactifs “Marché aux puces” laisser l'enfant devenir le patron

Vente de jouets et de livres inactifs “Marché aux puces” laisser l'enfant devenir le patron

Do not love old toys how to do? Livres d'images préférés lus plusieurs fois, après les étagères? Route universitaire du district d'Erqi, deux petits “marché aux puces, aimer la charité” may give you some inspiration.
Yesterday, one to six years of the children keep in the class early distribution of a good booth before, one by one became asmall boss. ”

Booth placed on the array of items, clearly marked price, are the children idle stationery, toys, books and so on. Students in advance division of labor, and some are responsible for selling, and some responsible for money, and some responsible for marketing, division of labor clear.
After some careful selection, bargain, many students with low-cost to buy their favorite baby, even the teachers can not help but join the team to buy … …
Flea market so lively, the students come up with a variety of promotional methods, so that teachers are also very surprised. Teachers said that the activities of the students to develop the ability to communicate and practical ability, their bazaar will donate to the needs of people.