Quandu andemu in una tenda di ghjoculi,videremu una serie di ghjoculi. A maiò parte di elli sò pezzi di plastica cumplicati. Ancu s'è questi ghjoculi sò boni è attraenti, ma i zitelli ùn ponu riceve assai valore educativu, wooden toys tend to provide more than the plastic educational toys.
Wooden toys may cost more than plastic educational toys, but they have incredible value. Wooden toys do not have a defined purpose and limited use, but may continue for many years. As children grow, they find different ways to use wooden toys to help them build their imagination, solve problems, develop fine motor skills. Although they may not be toys that children see on television or at friendshouses, wooden toys are toys that never outdated, allowing children to learn and grow every time they pull out of play.